Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Home for a Grey Tree Frog

Back in February of 2015 I wrote about trying to make inviting homes for Grey Tree Frogs by pounding 4-foot chunks of PVC pipe into the ground. The idea is that the frogs would climb up these vertical columns and then descend into the dark, moist space within -- protected from most predators. I checked these "homes" for more than a year and only rarely found them inhabited by anything but spiders.

It turns out that I was too cerebral in my approach to creating habitats. The perfect Grey Tree Frog home turns out to be . . . a partially filled plastic watering can. Yep, a Grey Tree Frog can climb in and out with ease, cool off in the water, find the occasional insect, and even shelter in the hollow spout or handle.

Who could ask for anything more? The little fella has been living in and around his spacious home for most of the summer. He has sometimes even made the trip inside the cabin as my wife refilled the watering can preparatory to tending to her deck plants.

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